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10 Best Photos

 Here is a collection of what I believe are my ten best photos from this semester. Each one represents a different outdoor experience from the semester. The first photo is from my first journal; I decided to add it to this portfolio because it captures a reflection in the water at the trinity river. During this experience, I noticed how much trash had been collected near the river or in the water. The second picture is from my second journal. I was at Oakland Lake Park, and I really enjoyed this photo because it captures a natural process of nature. I was immediately drawn to using this picture because of how much algae were dispersed in the water. It was also a memorable experience because I brought some of my friends with me, and we just had a day at this park.   The next photo is from a sunrise moment I shared with my family when I went home for a weekend. This is one of my best photos from the semester because it captures the beauty of living on an East Coast island, wakin...

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