10 Best Photos
Here is a collection of what I believe are my ten best photos from this semester. Each one represents a different outdoor experience from the semester. The first photo is from my first journal; I decided to add it to this portfolio because it captures a reflection in the water at the trinity river. During this experience, I noticed how much trash had been collected near the river or in the water.
The second picture is from my second journal. I was at Oakland Lake Park, and I really enjoyed this photo because it captures a natural process of nature. I was immediately drawn to using this picture because of how much algae were dispersed in the water. It was also a memorable experience because I brought some of my friends with me, and we just had a day at this park.
The next photo is from a sunrise moment I shared with my family when I went home for a weekend. This is one of my best photos from the semester because it captures the beauty of living on an East Coast island, waking up every day, and walking down to the beach to assist the sunrise.
The next photo is from Airfield Falls. This was my favorite photo from this journal. One thing I enjoy about this picture is the neatly stacked rock wall surrounding the river. It’s a unique display of masonry around this bend of the river.
The next photo is from the bison roundup. The bison roundup was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work with these beautiful creatures. Here is a picture of one of the bison from my vantage point outside the gate. From this picture, you can make out many of the bison’s features.
The next picture is of tall grass coming out of a lake in Fort Worth. I chose this picture because it captures the sun’s rays at the top of the image with the bright blue clear sky over the tall grass. Also, from this picture, you can see how vast the tall grass is and how tall it is.
The next picture is from our sunset paddling excursion. I enjoy this photo because of the beautiful vibrant sky with the mix of purple, orange, and yellow contrasted with the calm ripples of the water. The paddling experience was one of my favorite outdoor experiences this semester. I thought it was a calming experience to just sit on the water as the natural process of the sun going down and the stars coming out.
The next photo is from Tandy Hills Natural Area and is of a vibrant purple flower. Plant Identification websites identified it as a Liatris. Liatris are known to have long purple blossoming stems, and I think this is a beautiful flower that deserves to be included in this portfolio.
The last photo is of a bridge I found that crosses over a river. I decided to include it because you see all the foliage and trees almost encompassing the bridge. Once you cross the bridge, the path on the other side almost vanishes, and you will be free walking out into the woods and the wilderness. I also liked that this part of the park I was at was very secluded from the rest.
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